What is Stomp Agenda?

Stomp Agenda is a guild for players of Guild Wars 2. Our 'tag' is [STMP] and this will show up next to representing players names. We are part of the OpenCommunity and often take part in their world boss events for Tequatl and Triple Trouble.

We are a very social, friendly guild and help each other with all aspects of the game including levelling up, crafting and map completion.

We mainly concentrate on PvE but often do fractals, dungeons and PvP as a group.

We have a number of guild features unlocked and try to do something every week such as a guild trek or bounty.

For more information, please contact either Panwyn (Jaq.6829) or Lex Goodwyn (Leaky.1472) via in-game mail or whisper.

Guild Announcements


As of the beginning of October 2015, we will be using the Guild Wars 2 OpenCommunity TeamSpeak server at ts.gw2oc.org and you can find us in the STMP channel under Guild Halls.

Guild Missions

Guild missions (bounties, treks, etc) are planned for around 18:00 GMT (aka "server time") on Saturdays. If there are sufficient people around in the few hours before this, we may start earlier. If there aren't enough people around at the planned time, we may postpone it.

Sections of our site

If you are completely new to Guild Wars 2 and have lots of questions, we have some information that might answer some of them.

Here are some tips for completing the Daily Achievements quite easily.

Differences between Free-to-Play and Paid accounts

OpenCommunity Events