Daily Achievements the easy way
Queensdale, Kessex Hills
- Vista - Krytan Waypoint [&BPgAAAA=] - west up hill
- Miner - Phinney Waypoint [&BPMAAAA=] north - rich copper vein under hill with Ettin
- Miner - Cereboth Waypoint [&BBIAAAA=] - north, down to river, south into cave - rich iron vein inside
- Forager - Beetletun Waypoint [&BPoAAAA=] south through gate - lettuce patch in field
- Lumberer - Vale Waypoint [&BPQAAAA=] - there are often trees up the hill to the north-west and also east from this waypoint
Plains of Ashford, Diessa Plateau
- Vista Viewer - Watchcrag Tower [&BIgBAAA=] vista at the end of the platform right next to the waypoint.
Smokestead Waypoint [&BIABAAA=] north-east past The Wrecking Yard [&BFcBAAA=] - vista at the end of raised pipe
- Miner - Silex Castrum [&BKEBAAA=] - rich iron vein
- Forager - Loreclaw Waypoint [&BMcDAAA=] south - potato patch
- Lumberer - ??
Maguuma Jungle
Rata Sum, Metrica Province, Caledon Forest
- Vista - Soren Draa [&BEAAAAA=] south-east into cavern with embers
- Miner - Gallowfields Waypoint [&BGMAAAA=] south - rich iron vein in ravine, drop down via dead tree
- Forager - Akk Wilds [&BEIAAAA=] north-west - potato patch on floating platform
- Lumberer - ??
Wayfarer Foothills, Snowden Drifts, Frostgorge Sound
- Vista - Osenfold Waypoint [&BAEEAAA=] south-east over bridge
- Miner - Snowhawk Landing Waypoint [&BL8AAAA=] south into cave - rich iron vein
- Miner - Wyrmblood Waypoint [&BGUCAAA=] east into tunnel - rich iron vein
- Miner - Valslake Waypoint [&BMADAAA=] west around corner into cave - rich silver vein, use stealth or kill dredge
- Forager - False Lake Waypoint [&BOgAAAA=] south to [&BB0BAAA=] - permanent grape patch
- Lumberer - ??
- Vista - Fort Trinity [&BO4CAAA=] west onto airship
- Miner - Waste Hollows Waypoint [&BKgCAAA=] - north - rich mithril vein
- Forager - Plinth Timberland Waypoint [&BFgGAAA=] north-east - artichoke patch under the waterfall
- Lumberer - Dwayna Statues surrounded by Cypress saplings
Maguuma Wastes
Silverwastes and Drytop
- Vista - Camp Resolve [&BH8HAAA=] up on platform
- Lumberer, Miner and Forager - check around Red Fort as there's often plenty there.
Gyre Rapids Waypoint - wood
Pagga's Waypoint (west) - wood
Nonmoa Waypoint (south) - platinum
Demon's Maw Waypoint (north) - grapes