Guild Information
We have a discord server which is primarily used for text chat outside of Guild Wars 2. It's a useful place to keep in touch when you're unable to play because there is a web interface as well as desktop and mobile clients. Join our discord server.
We share the OpenCommunity teamspeak server at STMP members can get the [STMP] tag added to their name on the teamspeak server by letting one of the guild leaders know that you're on teamspeak.
Like the teamspeak server, we can use the OpenCommunity forum although we don't have a dedicated section.
Guild Hall
We have a (maximum) level 69 Gilded Hollow guild hall with facilities for guild members including the following:
- Free boosters available for Heart of Thorns owners - talk to Nathan the Bartender (NPC) in the guild hall tavern
- Access to your personal bank and materials at the scribing station
- A full range of gathering nodes south-west of the central waypoint, near the scribing station
- Assorted vendors and merchants - buy things with decoration tokens, guild commendations from missions, or just regular currency.
- PvP arena - to the west of the central waypoint in the guild hall
Useful websites
- GW2 Efficiency - crafting calculator, material gathering routes, examine your account if you link an API key.
- GW2 Crafts - cost effective guides to leveling your crafting professions based on current trading post prices. If you use the crafting XP booster from the tavern, you can often get away with even less required materials.
- Information on suggested builds (armor/weapons/traits) for types of gameplay.
- QTFY raiding guides - builds for raiding.
Help and assistance
If you need some help with a quest, dungeon, finding the last part of a map, crafting etc there are several ways to ask.
- Ask in guild chat in-game. This will likely get you a quick answer if it's during normal waking hours. It also has the advantage that you can link waypoints or points of interest near where you are stuck.
- Ask in discord text chat. You may be able to get an answer from someone who isn't currently in-game.
- If all else fails, feel free to mail Leaky.1472 in-game.